We will help you pass your First FCE and Advanced CAE exam

Masterclasses «Reading and Use of English» First (FCE) & Advanced (CAE)

The Reading and Use of English part of the First Certificate (FCE) and Advanced (CAE) counts up to 40% of the total final mark of the exam.

Most of the students fail exams due the bad mark they get in this part of the exam.

Aston School gives you the possibility to boost your skills in Reading and Use of English with 3 masterclasses of 2 hours each.

Practice, learn and do real exams (mock exams) in 3 classes giving you the possibility to do exam with more confidence and with a better knowledge of this part of the exam.

          ➣ DATES: Saturdays 11th, 18th, 25th May

          ➣ TIME: 10 am to 12 am

          ➣ PRICE: 90€ per pack 6 hours

          ➣ Min: 4 students


ℹ️ More information 

↳ Contact: Chantale Zanelli – José Miguel Serra – María José Blasi
↳ Aston School: www.astonschool.es
↳ Passeig de Manuel Girona, 63 – 08034 Barcelona
↳ Call us 93 396 71 01
↳ Email to hello@astonschool.es


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